Typization of the regional urban processes in Ukraine





urbanization, urban processes, regional urban processes, real urbanization, level of urbanization, settlement system, Zipf-Medvedkov`s law, typification, population, Ukraine


Formulation of the problem. Spread of the urban processes in the world and in Ukraine determines the relevance of this research. Spatial ordering and organization of urban forms change over time, determining peculiarities of regional living conditions, their level and quality. With the general trend of increasing the level of urbanization in Ukraine and its significance, there is important differentiation in terms of regions.

The purpose of the article is to identify the features of urban processes in Ukrainian regions, time and structural features, and find out typical features of regional urban processes in the country.

Results. Regional features of urban processes, their structure (features of regional settlement systems based on the Zipf-Medvedkov`s law, the level of real urbanization) as well as temporal features (dynamics of urbanization level and real urbanization, urban population) have been established. This has allowed us to typify regional urban processes in Ukraine and select seven types of them.

The first type is characterized by a high level of official and real urbanization. It has two subtypes: I-a - the settlement system is close to the ideal allocation (Dnipropetrovsk region), and I-b - a monocentric settlement system (Zaporizhya region).

Kharkiv region belongs to the second type. It is highly urbanized with a low level of real urbanization. A sharply monocentric settlement system is typical.

The third category belongs to Kyiv region, which is characterized by an average level of official urbanization and a high level of real urbanization. Urban settlement system is sharply monocentric.

The most numerous is the fourth type of medium-urbanized with the average level of real urbanization. It is divided into four subtypes. The subtype of the IV-a belongs to Khmelnytsk region with a settlement system close to the ideal distribution. Poltava region belongs to the IV-b subgroup with a two-centric settlement system. Cherkassy, Mykolaiv, Sumy regions are characterized by a monocentric settlement system and belong to the sub-type IV-c, Lviv and Odessa regions form a sub-type of IV-d with a sharply monocentric settlement system.

The fifth type is moderately urbanized with a low level of real urbanization. We distinguish it from two subtypes: V-a - the settlement system is close to the ideal distribution (Kirovograd region), V-b - monocentric settlement system (Volyn, Zhytomyr, Vinnitsa, Chernihiv regions).

The sixth type is low-urbanized with a high level of real urbanization. It is characterized by a sharply monocentric settlement system. Chernivtsi region is exactly that.

The seventh type is low- urbanized with an average level of real urbanization, divided into two subtypes. Zakarpattia region has a two-centric urban settlement system (VІІ-а). Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil and Rivne regions have a monocentric settlement system and belong to the subgroup VІІ-b.

This typification reflects the natural processes of self-organization in space, the formation of a hierarchical system of cities, reflecting the possibilities of their development and functions of interregional and regional significance, influence on the regional development. Coordination of regional policy measures with the influence of the society’s territorial organization, which is dynamic and diverse at different stages of development, will allow more efficient use of the urban and regional potential.

Keywords: urbanization, urban processes, regional urban processes, real urbanization, level of urbanization, settlement system, Zipf-Medvedkov`s law, typification, population, Ukraine.

Author Biographies

Д. В. Венгрин, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


К. Ю. Сегіда, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor


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