Soils under condition of climate changes: adaptation, preadaptation, readaptation?


  • О. В. Дєдов Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  • В. І. Пасічняк Vinnytsia branch of the State Institution “Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • М. І. Нагрибецький Vinnytsia branch of the State Institution “Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine”, Ukraine



climate warming, adaptation, reaptation, preadaptation, humus, crop rotation, cultivating and technical crops, perennial grasses


Aim. To cover the current humus state of Ukraine and Podillya, to prove the significance of improving it as a guarantee of increasing their resilience to contemporary and future climate change and productive use in conditions of increasing its extreme.

Methods. The basis of the study was statistical data and materials of special reports and scientific works, its methodological basis – the methods of structural-system analysis and forecasting.

Results. Аnalysis of statistical data indicates the continuation of dehumidification of soil cover and violation of scientifically grounded crop rotation structures. As a result of annual losses of humus in the country's soils with 1,07 t/ha and its negative balance of 0,44 t/ha, there is a significant increase of sowing of corn and industrial crops. During the period of 2000-2015, the area under it increased by three times, and sunflower by 1,76. Also, during this period, the area under rape increased by 3,2 times, reaching 2.53%. The sowing of сrops of perennial grasses decreased by 2,9 times with a share in crop rotations of 3,8% (with the recommended crop structure in Polissya 5%, in other zones – 10 %).

A similar trend is observed in the Podillya region. The area under corn for the period 2010-2015 increased by 5,5%, sunflower – by 1,2%.

Conclusions. The key to increasing sustainability of soils in conditions of intensifying extreme weather phenomena and their productivity is an urgent application instead of adaptation strategy (gradual adaptation to new climatic conditions) of preventive actions - roar (the restoration of their important components and properties lost) and adaptation (improvement of their agroecological condition). In the current economic climate, this can be achieved by adhering to scientifically sound agricultural development (which is often ignored by land users) with a share of their perennial grasses not less than 10% and introduction of low-cost grain-herbal types that provide a deficit-free humus balance in the soil.

Author Biographies

О. В. Дєдов, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Doctor of Sciences (Аgriculture)

В. І. Пасічняк, Vinnytsia branch of the State Institution “Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine”


М. І. Нагрибецький, Vinnytsia branch of the State Institution “Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine”

Нead of Laboratory


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