Defining optimal ways of Kharkiv’s social-economic development by component analysis




component analysis, socio-economic development, social geographical system, statistical indicators, organization of urban space, city, Kharkiv`s administrative districts


Formulation of the problem. Due to active development of the Ukrainian cities a question arises as to the definition of problems and prospects of urban organization, ways of city space optimization. For Kharkiv city, the second biggest city by population in Ukraine, leading industrial, scientific and cultural center of the country, definition of weaknesses and strengths of social-economic development is quite relevant.

The purpose of the article is to define optimal directions of social and economic development and the organization of Kharkiv`s city space on the basis of the component analysis.

Methods. Method of component analysis is used in this article to determine the optimal ways of Kharkiv sociogeosystem development. The essence of this method is the definition of projections in the development vector to multidimensional space with the detailed substantial analysis of their changes. This method allows to move from the general assessment of the conditions and level of SGS`s development in an integral form to the assessment of individual components (parameters).

Main results. During 2010-2015 development of Kharkiv SGS of the city was positively influenced by the following factors: an increase in the number of children at preschool and other educational institutions; volumes of the sold industrial output; number of officially registered enterprises; reduction in boiler and oven fuel use; reduction in heat power use.

The decline of population, reduction of educational institutions and students number at higher education institutions by III and III-IV levels; reduction in the number of workers engaged in scientific activity were negative factors for development of Kharkiv`s SGS. During all research time Shevchenkivskyi and Kyivskyi districts were the leaders by all indicators. Nemyshlianskyi and Kyivskyi districts were outsiders by dynamics of development. For Novobavarskyi, Slobidskyi, Kholodnohirskyi, Osnovianskyi and Nemyshlianskyi districts it is proposed to introduce programs for improving the demographic situation. For Shevchenkivskyi and Kyivskyi districts it is proposed to increase the number of schools and pre-schools or to renew educational institutions. For Nemyshlianskyi and Osnovianskyi districts it is proposed to support business development.

Scientific novelty and practical significance. By using the method of component analysis in this study, it was possible to identify the main problems of socio-economic and spatial development of the city, as well as to propose recommendations for its improvement.

Author Biography

A. V. Mazurova, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD student


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