Solving the problem of search for a suitable city area using spatial analysis




spatial analysis, search for a suitable area, urban research, anthropogenic infrastructure, GIS, ArcGIS, modeling phenomena and processes, the infrastructure of Kharkiv


Formulation of the problem. The article focuses on the algorithm for solving a typical problem to find a suitable area within the city area for a new facility (individual components of the infrastructure). The main tool for achieving the goal is the concept of spatial analysis, which includes modeling of phenomena and processes. It is known that there are some reasons why modern research does not always correspond to the needs of society. This is, first of all, difficulties in collecting primary data. The researchers couldn’t use standard sources of primary data, such as statistical collections, since cities do not have a single register of such information. Accordingly, they have to look for alternatives. One of these may be electronic reference books, such as 2GIS. If researchers find ways to properly collect valuable information about the infrastructural features of cities, they will be able to make their work more useful and practical for the society.

The purpose of the article. Consideration of one of the options for solving a typical problem of finding an optimal location for a new object based on a set of factors in the GIS environment (for example, finding a suitable site for building a new school near parks, playgrounds and at a distance from other schools, ceme-teries).

Methods. Some parts of the ArcGIS platform and the ArcToolBox toolbar functionality have been used to perform spatial analysis (the Spatial Analyst module in particular). These are Euclidean distance, Reclassifying, Raster calculator and other tools of the Spatial Analyst module.

Results. The algorithm for solving a spatial analytic problem, consisting of five steps (setting the problem, dividing it into separate components, studying the initial data, performing the analysis and verifying the results) has been considered. Special attention is paid to the layout and combination of operations, performed to complicate the logic of the research. The raster calculator provides the ability to compare numerical absolute and relative indicators with indication of weights and specific algebra of maps. As a result, we find an optimal location for a new school within the city of Kharkiv. The remoteness of other schools, cemeteries, the proximity of park areas and playgrounds were taken as weighty factors. For each of the criteria, models of Euclidean distances were constructed in order to rank the territory for 10 categories of proximity/remoteness of objects. This is a practical example of using reclassification to combine the objects proximity/remoteness.

Scientific novelty and practical significance. It was has been found out that scientists can do their research more practical, using modern geoprocessing tools and electronic reference books. There has been a typical algorithm for solving the spatial analytic problem, which is relevant for large cities. The instruments themselves are not new, but the conceptual algorithm which uses specific primary information about the infrastructure of the settlement and the functionality of the ArcGIS, has not been previously described.

Author Biography

О. С. Чуєв, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD student


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