Solving current environmental problems by harmonization of doctoral programs with european standards




National Qualification Frameworks, PhD student, speciality, Environmental Sciences, problems, nature management, environmental policy, environmental technology


Formulation of the problem. At present in Ukraine environmental problems are very topical. A comprehensive and effective solution to theses problems can be grounded on the the use of modern approaches, expressed through harmonization with the best world practices. Training of highly qualified specialists is an important component of the integrated approach. Currently, in Ukraine it is performed on 4 environmenal specialties: 03.00.16 - Environmental Sciences, 08.00.06 – Economics of Environmental Resources Management (Economics), 11.00.11 - Constructive Geography and Wise Use of Natural Resources (Geographic Sciences) and 21.06.01- Environmental Safety (Engineering and Industrial Technology Sciences, Chemistry and Geology). In addition, separate issues of environmental protection are considered in 15 specialties from the List 2011. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 266, dated April 29, 2015, “On approval of the list of branches of knowledge and specialties for which candidates for higher education are trained”(“List 2015”) canceled “List 2011” [2]. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1151, dated November 6, 2015, “On the peculiarities of introducing the list of branches of knowledge and specialties for which candidates for higher education are trained” [3], the table of compliance of the List of scientific specialties (“List 2011” and List of areas of knowledge and specialties for which candidates for higher education are trained, including PhDs (“List 2015”) [2] was approved.

 At the same time, up to the present day, theses have been defended according to “List 2011”. The problem of “dispersion” of environmental issues among various specialties in various branches of knowledge not only remained, but also grew up, as the number of the latter increased. This situation is of concern to the scientific community.

The purpose of the article. To clarify the problems existing in the national system of postgraduate students’ training in environment-oriented specialties and defending theses by them in accordance with modern requirements, as well as finding ways to improve this situation, based on international experience.

Methods. As part of the implementation of project Erasmus + “Integrated Doctoral Program for Environmental Policy, Management and Technology - INTENSE”, 586471-EPP-1-2017-1-EE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, an anonymous survey of leading scientists engaged in post-graduate training and doing research work in the field of the environment. The questionnaire was developed by Odessa State Environmental University and the survey covered institutions of higher education in almost all regional centres of Ukraine, as well as the cities of Uman and Kremenchuk. It should be noted that such cities as Kharkiv, Lviv, Kyiv, Dnipro, Vinnytsia, Poltava and Uman were represented by several universities. The rest of the regions were represented by the respondents of one institution of higher education.

Results. The obtained results have shown the existing organisational and scientific problems. The key problem is the lack of a separate category for PhD (Environmental Sciences) in the updated List 2015. Scientific problems are scientific research of low quality, low level of application of modern technologies, non-correlation between topics with society demands, absence of foreign experience consideration in the solution to similar problems, etc. Organisational problems are poor technical supply, non-availability of training abroad for PhD students, low level of English, problems with publications in peer-review journals and visual presentation of the research at international conferences, etc.

Author Biographies

Nadiya Vasylivna Maksymenko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Doctor of Sciences (Geography), Associate Professor

Ganna Valeriivna Titenko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor

Kateryna Bogdanivna Utkina, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor

Alla Naumivna Nekos, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Doctor of Sciences (Geography), Full Professor

Anton Dmytrovich Shkaruba, Estonian University of Life Sciences

PhD (Geography), Senior Researcher


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