Imitation modelling technology for gravity inversion cases




geological section, gravity prospecting, interpretation method, gravity inversion, gravity field, modelling, a priori model, equivalent model, seismic model, density model


Formulation of the problem. A gravity method is aimed at prospecting and exploration of mineral resources which are based on the study of the geological section structure. The task of quantitative interpretation of the gravimetric materials, which uses methods for solving direct and inverse gravity problems, is the modelling of a gravity field (direct problem) and geological media’s density structure (inverse problem). The important features of methods for density structure modelling of complex geological media are geological content, consistency with a priori data and its subordination to geological hypotheses. It is proposed to analyze these properties by a imitation technique.

The purpose of the article is to describe the imitation gravimetric modelling method, based on the construction of an informal sequence of equivalent solutions. The purpose of imitation modelling is to study the properties of gravity inversion in general formulation as well as to assess the degree of detail and reliability of the methodology and technologies of gravity modelling, which is claimed to be an effective solution to geological problems.

Methods. Imitation modelling technology and methods of solving gravity direct and inverse problems for geodensity model of complex geological environment.

Results. The examples of density and structural simulation testing of the informal sequence of equivalent solutions and its computer technologies show that complex interpretation of wells, seismic and gravity data enables to create detailed density models of geological medium. Studies have also been conducted of ways to increase the reliability of gravitational modelling.

Scientific novelty and practical significance. It is revealed that the best approximation of the regional background is an inclined plane, which approximates the observed gravity field along characteristic pickets over the research areas that are better studied. Also, an increase in the reliability of modelling can be achieved by rebuilding near side zones in structural type models in an interactive process of solving structural inverse gravity problems. Substantive modelling depends primarily on the experience of the interpreter, since computer technologies for solving direct and inverse gravity problems are only an interpretation tool.

Author Biographies

Sergiy Grygorovych Anikeyev, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Doctor of Sciences (Chemistry), Professor

Sergiy Mykhailovych Bagriy, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

PhD (Geology)

Bohdan Bohdanovych Hablovskyi, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

PhD (Geology)


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