Expected localization of hydrocarbon deposits of the Black Sea aquiferous basin based on hydrogeochemical indications


  • І. В. Колодій Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine


Black Sea head water basin, hydrogeochemistry, water-dissolved gases, condensation waters


The hydrogeochemical and gas-hydrogeochemical features of the underground waters contacting with gas fields can be used as criteria of the local gas- and oil- bearing potential. Signs of deposits on the salt and gas composition of water, content of trace elements and micro-components for the Black Sea water head basin. We propose the classification of hydrogeochemical indices of the available deposits in which manifestations of poorly mineralized condensation waters and their mixtures with bedded ones can be used except dissolved gas and organic matter. Among them, exept water-dissolved gases and hydrocarbons in the composition of water saturated organic matter take place the condensation waters, or their mixtures with the formation waters that are genetically connected with gas deposits.

Author Biography

І. В. Колодій, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of NAS of Ukraine

PhD (Geology), Senior Researcher


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