Some possibilities to analyze the trends in the groundwater regime on increments trajectory of groundwater table


  • Т. П. Мокрицкая Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine
  • Д. А. Самойлич Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine


groundwater regime, cyclic recurrence, technogenesis


Changes in the hydrogeological conditions of the territory of cities is a change factor in the composition and soil properties in the zone of natural and man-made system’s impact. Underflooding of industrial and urbanized areas is a regressive process leading to the deterioration of ground properties affecting the conditions of natural and anthropogenic systems.

To construct forecasting models of the soils and groundwater dynamics we have to set the type of process, substantiate the degree of anthropogenic disturbance of the regime. We can judge about the degree of disturbances both as a change of trends, and as a change in the periodical component. From the positions of the theory of dynamical systems, time dependence of the groundwater table depth can be transformed into an increment trajectory. Appearance of the trajectory allows to judge about the nature and incremental mode.

Recommendations are given for the creation of an increments trajectory of the groundwater table depth. Trajectory analysis allows to simply and clearly identify trends, assess the degree of anthropogenic disturbance, prove the need to include cyclic components in the model

Author Biographies

Т. П. Мокрицкая, Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University

PhD (Geology), Associate Professor

Д. А. Самойлич, Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University



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