Changing patterns of water migration coefficient in groundwaters of Western Donbas


  • А. Ю. Омельчук Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine


coefficient of water migration, technogenesis, storage pond


In this paper we have analyzed changes in hydrogeochemical conditions of groundwater of Western Donbass on the example of the area adjacent to the storage pond of waste water from the mine "Svidovok." Migration properties of chemical elements in groundwater of Western Donbass using a coefficient of water migration have been assessed.

At present almost throughout in the area Ukraine of natural and technogenic technological and man-made aquifers had formed or have been forming. This process is often the result of infiltration of wastewater, the most typical of industrial areas and urban agglomerations, areas of the mining industry.

Migration properties of chemical elements in groundwater depends on many factors: the chemical composition of groundwater, acid-base and redox conditions, processes, complex-formation, etc. As consideration all conditions is virtually impossible, the assessment of migratory properties of chemical elements in groundwater can performed using the coefficient of water migration.

For the study area the coefficient of water migration water migration (Kx) is calculated for chlorine, sulfur, sodium, calcium and magnesium. In oxidizing conditions supergene zone for classification Perelman O. and Shvartseva S. revealed differences from the series migration them.

Ground water in wells, where the rate of water migration of chemical elements in groundwater don’t match rows migration of elements in the oxide supergene zone conditions, are located on the line of discharge of mine water to the river basin Significant and unusual changes it is the result of anthropogenic impact.

Author Biography

А. Ю. Омельчук, Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University

Postgraduate Student


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