Problems and ways to improve quality of drinking water


  • В. Н. Прибылова V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


quality of drinking water, quality indexes regulation, the European and international requirements, risk minimization, regional standards, human health, water quality monitoring


The paper analyzes the main problems of valuation indicators of drinking water quality. The analysis of all existing GOSTs on the post-Soviet space, and those now operating in Ukraine has been carried out. New health rules and regulations governing the indicators of drinking water quality approved in 2010 have been evaluated. The main existing approaches to the regulation of drinking water quality, as well as the main ways to improve water quality in Ukraine have been considered. Improving the quality of drinking water can be achieved through an integrated solution of some problems of which the main ones are the development of new technologies of water purification and maximum harmonization of the national legal framework regulating the quality of drinking water, and appropriate standards of developed countries, particularly the EU and WHO recommendations.

Author Biography

В. Н. Прибылова, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Geology), Associate Professor


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