About the sources of bromine income and its migrations in groundwater (on the example of the Dnieper-Donets aulacogens)


  • В. Г. Суярко V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
  • О. В. Гаврилюк О.М. Beketov National University of Urban Economy of Kharkiv, Ukraine


bromine anomaly, groundwater, water migration, sources of income, deep fluids, halogen deposits, bedded water, anticlinal structures, deep faults


The article describes the sources of bromine in the underground hydrosphere, where the main place is occupied by brine leaching halogen thickness, pore water of sediment formation waters of deep horizons of the Paleozoic and exogenous fluids. It describes some of the features of the test water migration of trace elements in the underground hydrosphere. On the example of the Dnieper-Donets aulacogene patterns of structural confinement and spatial distribution of the element are described. It is stressed that the geochemical history of bromine in the bowels of the earth is closely linked with the history of geological development of the region. Some aspects of hydrogeochemical anomalies element are determined. The authors conclude that the bromine in the groundwater of the region may serve as an indicator element of the activated zones of deep faults, as well as sites of hydrothermal mineralization and accumulation of oil and gas. At the same time, the concentration of an element reaches the values at which the water can be used not only as a spa, but also used as a raw material for industrial hydro extraction element.

Author Biographies

В. Г. Суярко, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Doctor of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy)

О. В. Гаврилюк, О.М. Beketov National University of Urban Economy of Kharkiv

Assistant Professor


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