Geological and geophysical preconditions of regional oil and gas bearing in ddd triassic rocks


  • Г. Л. Трохименко Department of Marine Geology and Sedimentary Ore Formation of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • І. В. Височанський V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
  • Г. Є. Святенко Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine


logging, geophysics, system, suite, sandstone, deposit


Log data and geologic materials analysis in some zones and local structures of Dnieper-Donets depression together with late decades exploration results give possibility to say about common-geologic and geophysic precondition for regional character of Triassic system rocks productivity. Special attention must be given to Upper Serebryanka subsuite of Middle Triassic (so called Clay Triassic), there sandstones have specific physical-lythologic characteristics and have been studied not enough. This object has big potential. The most perspective in DDD are Northern near-edge (together with Northern vicinity of Donbas) and Preaxial zones. There are foundation to hope on future hydrocarbons commercial supply increasing and recovery which will be compared with ones, given by modern traditional search object in Eastern Ucrainian oil and gas bearing province.

Author Biographies

Г. Л. Трохименко, Department of Marine Geology and Sedimentary Ore Formation of NAS of Ukraine

PhD (Geology), Senior Researcher

І. В. Височанський, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Doctor of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy), Full Professor

Г. Є. Святенко, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

Senior Researcher


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