Metamorphization of drinking groundwater in Kherson region


  • О. В. Щербак NSI “Institute of Geology” of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,, Ukraine


drinking groundwater, the Upper Miocene aquifer system, chemical composition, metamorphism, Kherson region


This paper encompasses the geochemical aspects of the Upper Miocene aquifer system in Kherson region.

It has been established that in the context of anthropogenic load in time the average chemical composition and hydrogeochemical type of underground drinking water have changed. Complete anthropogenic metamorphism of underground drinking water from Miocene aquifer is developing in a straight line pattern in the region. Consequently, the increasing of the concentration of total dissolved solids in the groundwater modify the output hydrochemical types of groundwater. The average hydrochemical type vary from chloride at the first time period to sulfate at the second. Resources of drinking groundwater in Kherson region is being heavily affected by the process of antropogenic metamorphization, which occurs by direct scheme.

Author Biography

О. В. Щербак, NSI “Institute of Geology” of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,

Postgraduate Student


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