Territorial features of pilgrimage development in Lviv region


  • Ю. Я. Городиський Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine


pilgrimage, religious and pilgrimage tourism, relics of saints and the blessed, miraculous icons, sacred healing springs, Christian relics


With development aviation, auto and railway transport, by the facilitation of the mode of crossing of western border after disintegration of the USSR, many Ukrainian pilgrims began to carry out a trip to the world centers of Christianity: on the Sainted Earth, to Vatican, Greece, France, Portugal. Carried out calculation the organized and independent action pilgrimages on territory of Ukraine, in particular, to the centers of Ukrainian Christianity: Pochaeva, Zarvanici, Kievo-pecherska large Monastery, Krekhova, Uneva and other. A pilgrimage, except for own religiously spiritual value, stimulates development of auxiliary and attendant industries of economy, satisfies social necessities, substantially influences on development of cities, settlements, regions.

Pilgrimages are carried out to the confessional мan-мade places (separate buildings: temples, bell towers, churches, churches), to the natural cult objects (mountains, caves, rivers, groves, sources, rates, wells), to the places related to the prominent religious figures (places of Appearance Mother of god, prominent Biblical places, places of storage relics).

All have these religious objects historical, cultural and religious value. Annually thousands of pilgrims head for them, for worship of Christian relicts. Each of these objects occupies a ponderable place in religious society and public life of Christian.

The most widespread problems which brake development of pilgrimage is not enough the developed infrastructure, in particular system of a transport service, low enterprise activity in this sphere, providing of the proper level of development of social infrastructure on the places of pilgrim, absence of financing on the reconstruction of temples, churches, monasteries, chapel.

Author Biography

Ю. Я. Городиський, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Postgraduate Student


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