Ecological and economic methods to reduce environmental damage caused by tailings ponds


  • А. М. Касимов State Enterprise «Ukrainian Research & Technological Center of Metallurgical Industry «Energostal», Ukraine
  • И. В. Удалов V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


natural environment, ecological and economic damage, tailings, reclamation, environmental effects, toxic and hazardous waste, objects and subjects of influence


The factors of industrial enterprises tailings ponds influence on the environment have been considered. Objects and subjects of influence, the schemes of industrial waste sludge collector’s impact on all areas of environment, methods of compensation, prevention, reduction and mitigation of environmental damage have been determined. It is revealed that the main danger for soil and groundwater represent seepage losses from the tailings. Classification of objects exposed to tailings ponds. Presents indicators of anthropogenic impact for each allocated indicator. Describes a set of measures to prevent, reduce (limit), compensation and the elimination of potential and actual damage to the environment from the effects of tailings ponds. Principle diagram of the measures to minimize damage and environmental effects of tailings ponds on the natural environment. A systems approach to ecological-economic assessment of methods to reduce damage to the environment by industrial waste sludge ponds.

Author Biographies

А. М. Касимов, State Enterprise «Ukrainian Research & Technological Center of Metallurgical Industry «Energostal»

Doctor of Sciences (Technical Sciences)

И. В. Удалов, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor


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