Statistical analysis of the factors of natural and technogenic component of landslides


  • Д. В. Касіянчук Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine


exogenic geological processes (EGP), landslide, factor, factor characteristics, natural component, technogenic component, statistical analysis


In the article the choice of factors predicting exogenous geological processes on the example of landslides has been well-grounded. The statistical analysis of the data allowed us to determine the factor characteristics belonging to natural or man-made component of landslides.

Analyzing factors that are using for the space-time forecast is worth noting that the vast majority of factors are presenting a natural component of exogenic geological processes, whereas the man-made factors are still unexplored. Often the connection between different factors and their factor characteristics in the analysis of geological environment in general can not be explained from genetic or causal beliefs, as observed interdependencies can be connected not with the investigated geological processes but, for example, with the method of measuring or other reasons. In the article is substantiated the selection factors in forecasting exogenous geological processes for example of landslides. Having conducted the statistical analysis of the data help to determine the choice of the factor characteristic according to the characteristics of natural or man-made component of the development of landslides. To address the main tasks is done the analysis of statistical distributions of factor characteristics and made the test data of distribution laws corresponding theoretical counterparts, having conducted the analysis of statistical distributions and classification of factors, and proved the necessity of a separate prediction of natural and man-made component factors. Application of the executed researches with the establishment of distribution patterns of landslides processes allows in future to work on the development of analytical computer system of prediction of landslides.

Author Biography

Д. В. Касіянчук, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Postgraduate Student


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