Factors of pesticides’ distribution and accumulation in soils and groundwater of cenozoic sediments


  • Г. Є. Потапенко V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


pesticides, soils, ground water, sorption processes, colloids, loam


We consider the distribution and accumulation of pesticides in soils and groundwater of Quaternary deposits on the example of Donetsk Research Station of Horticulture (Artemivskiy research polygon). It has been established that pesticides content in the geological environment directly depends on their amount on agricultural lands. The main climatic, geological, hydrogeological and geochemical distribution factors have been determined. The results of research and methodological work on the distribution and accumulation of pesticides in Quaternary soils and groundwater have been presented. The correlation dependence of pesticides residues on their physical and chemical stability (internal factors) and their environment (external factors) has been established.

Author Biography

Г. Є. Потапенко, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University



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