Methodological issues in hydrocarbons income stimulation on the example of sarmatian deposits in the Carpathian trough


  • В. М. Владика Lviv Complex Scientific Research Center (LCSRC) Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine
  • М. Ю. Нестеренко Lviv Complex Scientific Research Center (LCSRC) Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine
  • Р. С. Балацький Lviv Complex Scientific Research Center (LCSRC) Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine
  • Ю. М. Неспляк "Horizons" ltd, Ukraine
  • О. В. Чебан Lviv Department Gas Management "Poltavagasvidobuvannia", Ukraine


reservoir rock, phase permeability, open porosity, residual water saturation


Rock-collectors of Sarmat deposit, despite high porosity of 17,6-22,1 % have very low filtration properties of permeability of 0,3-10,6 mD, gas saturation factor – about 53 %. Because of the wide quantitative variations of different granulometric classes of clastic material and apoclay mineral composition of cement with an overlay of carbonization they belong to silt- sandstone. Structural features and a number of textured characteristics of the rocks (rippled layering with signs of dislodging and sliding, concentration of mica in the form of separate layers, pseudobedding without clear boundaries), which determine its internal texture and morphological textures signs, surface of the individual layers and the presence of authigenous glauconite among the minerals enables us to refer them to the coastal-marine – lagoon municipalities.

Under favorable conditions (granulometric composition, unconformal packaging debris) voids space is characterized by openness in vertical and horizontal directions. Holding of hydrochloric acid treatment collector will allow to increase volume of the hollow space by about 30 %, based on the number of carbonate substance, which is a component of cement. For reservoir rocks of Sarmatian stage (horizon ND-10) it was found experimentally that the effect of the mud leads to deterioration of the phase permeability of 2,1. 10% acetic acid solution contributes to phase permeability of 1,5. Due to the action of MFC reagent and complex action of 10% solution of hydrochloric acid and reagent MFC phase permeability increases, respectively, 4,8 and 13 times.

Author Biographies

В. М. Владика, Lviv Complex Scientific Research Center (LCSRC) Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

Department Chief

М. Ю. Нестеренко, Lviv Complex Scientific Research Center (LCSRC) Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

Doctor of Sciences (Geology), Leading Researcher

Р. С. Балацький, Lviv Complex Scientific Research Center (LCSRC) Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

Junior Researcher

Ю. М. Неспляк, "Horizons" ltd

Chief Geologist

О. В. Чебан, Lviv Department Gas Management "Poltavagasvidobuvannia"

PhD (Geology), Chief Geologist


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