Industrial-hydrogeological study as a control component in the development of gas-condensate field


  • В. В. Самойлов Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine


flooding wells, industrial-hydrogeological studies, gas-condensate field


Oil and Gas Hydrogeology is a science that deals with the control of the development of oil and gas fields. The problem of oil and gas wells flooding occurred simultaneously with their development. The issue of flooding wells and reservoirs in the former Soviet Union was paid attention to in the works of all researchers who developed oil and gas fields ranging from I.M. Gubkin .The article deals with methodology of industrial-hydrogeological studies on gas-condensate fields. The terms of water regime of wells, methods of research and the need for industrial-hydrogeological studies of water regime of wells as part of the monitoring of gas-condensate fields development have been well grounded. Water regime of wells is a change over time in component composition and volume of water passing concomitant with production wells (gas, oil, condensate) in the development of deposits. It has its own stages, determined amount of concurrent water and its component structure. Given the experience of the industrial-hydrogeological studies three phases of water regime of wells have been identified.

Author Biography

В. В. Самойлов, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

PhD (Geology), Sector Leader


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