Assessing the extent of deposits water cut using compact hydrogeological separation unit


  • Є. С. Стрілець Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine
  • С. М. Левонюк Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine
  • Д. К. Німець Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine
  • В. В. Самойлов Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine


hydrogeological field studies, MGSU-1-100, gas well


The specificity of hydrogeological field studies using compact hydrogeological separation unit MGSU-1-100 has been shown. Some features of the unit design, its operation and advantages are given in the article.

The complexity of its application in assessing the extent of deposits water cut has been grounded. MGSU-1-100 advantages to determine revenues of associated water (water factor) and determination of physical and chemical properties of concomitant treatment by sampling with mobile separators and their subsequent research in the laboratory has been described. The possibility to compare the time dynamics of water wells factors, the estimated moisture content of hydrocarbons in the current pressure and temperature and mineralization associated with water flow rates of hydrocarbons has also been considered. Cartographic materials created by employees of UkrNDIgas based on data obtained when working with small-sized unit have also been presented. Attention is paid to disclosure of state methodology for assessing irrigation wells and gas fields. The authors used this compact unit in their work on fields of Dnieper-Donets Trough and give examples of its productivity.

Author Biographies

Є. С. Стрілець, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases


С. М. Левонюк, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases


Д. К. Німець, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

Senior Researcher

В. В. Самойлов, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

PhD (Geology), Sector Leader


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