Metallogenic and geochemical features of eastern dnieper-donets aulacogens in the eastern part of the Dnieper-Donets basin and donetsk folded orogen


  • В. Г. Суярко V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


fractures, mineralization, geochemical anomaly, ore formation, ore-bearing zone


Metallogenic and geochemical features of the eastern part in the Dnieper- Donets paleorift in the eastern part of the Dnieper-Donets Basin and the Donets folded structures have been considered .The spatial position of metallogenic zones and geochemical anomalies of various types have been characterized. Particular importance of fault intersections nodes of different directions in which the major ore deposits and most contrasting geochemical anomalies are formed has been stressed. The region is characterized by mineralization represented by hydrothermal, hydrothermal- metasomatic and hydrothermal-sedimentary types. In each of these types ore formations are considered, playing a leading role within certain geological structures in the region. Among them are mercury, gold-sulfide, mercury-base metal, base metal, fluorite, skarn, copper sandstones. It is emphasized that the ore formations in the region are associated with polykhronic and Hercynian , Cimmerian and Alpine stage tectonic activity of deep regional faults. Metallogenic zones (areas of hydrothermal mineralization in the rocks) and geochemical anomalies of different types are naturally located along fault zones and their accompanying structures, the long-living pockets of heat and mass transfer are associated in the crust are associated with them.

Author Biography

В. Г. Суярко, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Doctor of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy)


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