Modern variations of moisture transfer in the troposphere of the black sea region during the warm period of year


  • Т. Л. Касаджик Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine


moisture transfer to the troposphere, statistical characteristics, anomalies, the Black Sea region


The results of calculation of moisture transfer in the troposphere of the Black Sea region during the warm period of the year are presented. Forty-year dynamics is shown and variability of moisture transfer in the troposphere during the warm period of the year on decades is estimated. Significant reduction of moisture transfer during the warm period of the year for the last forty years is revealed. Field studies of the statistical characteristics of the troposphere moisture transfer in the Black Sea region for the forty-year period revealed the basic laws of their spatial distribution. 

Author Biography

Т. Л. Касаджик, Odessa State Environmental University

Postgraduate Student


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