Organizational features of the national health care system of Ukraine


  • Т. Г. Погребський V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


health care system, organizational structure, management mechanism, health care, the Ministry of Health (MOH)


The health care system plays a vital role in ensuring an adequate standard of living. An index of human health is one of the most important factors of social development. Because of that, health care of citizens is one of the most important internal functions of a modern state. The healthcare industry is a multi-functional control system created and used by the society to implement the whole complex of social and medical measures aimed at protection and promotion of the health of every individual and the population as a whole. The health care system must meet the state universal criteria: hierarchical structure, good management mechanisms, definite forms of financing. Thus, first of all, it should focus on the characteristics of health conditions of population. In this regard, there is a need in socio-geographical research of health care system at the national and state levels.

The article deals with the modern features of the national health care system of Ukraine. It describes in detail the organizational structure of the health care system of Ukraine. The control mechanisms, as well as features of the formation and implementation of public health policies are described. The basic levels of health care services are presented. Recommendations for administrative and organizational measures to reform the health care system of Ukraine are grounded.

Author Biography

Т. Г. Погребський, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Postgraduate Student


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