Theoretical aspects of telecommunication services in the big city


  • Д. А. Шинкаренко V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


services, telecommunication services, the sphere of material production


Telecommunication services play an important role in the sustainable development of the global and regional economy. They are a connecting link between the industrial, service sector and various geographically disparate parts of the country and economic centers.

Stimulating human communication through communication, advanced telecommunications services are a prerequisite for social cohesion and cultural development of all countries. Therefore, it can be argued that the development of telecommunications services as an important component of the information society and providing professional service society is one of the most important areas of national and economic development of any country, and particularly Ukraine. It is this actual problem that the article is devoted to. The purpose of this article is to study the term "telecommunications service" and justify its place in the service sector.

Telecommunication services play an important role in social and economic activities of the society, providing support for the development of regional economy and social sphere. This is especially true in large cities where a strong market for such services has been formed. Telecommunication services in the city of Kharkiv, which is a city with more than a million people and active in such services, are fast developing compared with the general pace of economic conditions that is crucial in the near and more distant future. But despite this, there are several issues that need immediate resolution in the telecommunications sector. Thus, all the above determines the relevance of further modern socio- geographical research area of telecommunication services in Kharkiv region

Author Biography

Д. А. Шинкаренко, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Postgraduate Student


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