Maps of natural, historical and cultural heritage as part of the regional cultural and tourism development program


  • К. В. Шпурік V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


regional mapping, natural, historical and cultural heritage, regional tourism, regional tourism development program


The article analyzes the program of culture and tourism development in Kharkiv region in 2014-2018. Experimental samples of maps to each of the sections of the program are proposed. Aspects of heritage maps influence on tourism development in the region are highlighted.

The essence of regional mapping of natural, historical and cultural heritage is determined. Among the problems of heritage mapping in Kharkiv region are the following: the obsolescence of information, lack of systemic approach, subjective approach and uncertainty of terminology.

Among the existing maps which contain information about heritage sites, two groups can be emphasized: tourist maps showing the heritage sites; specialized maps of heritage.

Distinctions of heritage maps from tourist maps are revealed, features of the reflection of tourism on heritage maps are determined based on the analysis of cartographic products. The importance and need in specialized cartographic products of heritage is stated to ensure the government has on-line and accurate information regarding the cognition and conservation of natural, historical and cultural sites.

Previous experience review of cartographic products of heritage creation has showed that it is appropriate to establish a regional atlas of natural, historical and cultural heritage, which would include specialized maps of all types of heritage (inventory, evaluation, recommendation, forecast). According to the results of previous studies, the feasibility of establishing a thematic atlas of natural, historical and cultural heritage of Kharkiv region has been proved; the content of the sections and a list of atlas maps are suggested.

Author Biography

К. В. Шпурік, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Postgraduate Student


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