Study of weather forecast in the local environment (on the example of village Vysokyi)


  • Б. О. Шуліка V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


forecasting, frost, grapes, weather and climatic conditions


The article analyzes the results of continuous observations of the changing weather conditions and application of these data in forecasts (short-term, long-term and continuous). Growing grapes (and heat-loving crops) in the area of Big Kharkiv, which includes the village Vysokyi requires the weather forecast on the basis of meteorological observations with further test results. In practice there are often adverse, extreme weather conditions which are very short-lived. Their development is not easily anticipated and forecast. The author usually uses common forecasts and compares them with long-term data on his own observations of weather conditions that makes it possible to compare the actual trend with the previous long-term forecasts.

Author Biography

Б. О. Шуліка, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Postgraduate Student


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