Consistency in development of geo-ecological situation in the cities and regions of Dnipropetrovsk region


  • В. В. Грушка V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


geo-ecological situation, sociogeosystem, vector development, modeling, comparative geographical analysis, comparative historical analysis, the dynamics of development


Dnipropetrovsk region as one of the old industrial regions of Ukraine is characterized by a unfavorable geo-ecological situation. Due to the need to increase the level of social security and the quality of life, the priority of local authorities is to implement measures to reduce environmental pollution and restore the normal condition of natural landscapes. Despite the fact that Dnipropetrovsk region is the leading region with industrial production and one of the most densely populated areas of Ukraine, its medical-demographic and social indicators remain the lowest in the national context.

In this article we considered the consistency of developmental trajectories of geo-ecological situation in the cities and regions of Dnipropetrovsk region. For a comparative analysis we used the method of developmental trajectory modeling of sociogeoprocess in normalized multidimensional space. Comparison between direction vectors of geo-ecological situation development shows that all sociogeosystems are significantly differentiated by the rate of trajectories consistency. Reduction of the coherence trajectories tendency over time due to the destabilizing influence of the global financial and economic crisis has been noted

Author Biography

В. В. Грушка, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Postgraduate Student


Nyemets', K.A., Nyemets', L.M. (2013). Prostorovyy analiz u suspil'niy heohrafiyi: novi pidkhody, metody, modeli. Monohrafiya. Kharkiv: Kharkivs'kyy natsional'nyy universytet imeni V.N. Karazina, 228 s.




