Development of industrial production as a factor of environmental degradation in Kharkiv region


  • Є. Ю. Телебєнєва V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


ecological situation, industrial production, sources of pollution, economic activities, Kharkiv region


The work reveals major problems of environmental degradation in Kharkiv region as a result of industrial production. The dynamics of pollutants emissions into the air in Kharkiv region in 2006-2012 is shown. The companies  with the largest emissions of pollutants into the air, the districts of region in which these companies are the main sources of pollution, have been defined. The emissions of pollutants into the air by the sectors of economic activity are analyzed. Solutions to the problem of environmental pollution have been proposed. Conclusions about the relevance of this issue and further research have been substantiated.

The environmental situation in Kharkiv region can be described as unfavorable. In the region there are stationary and mobile sources of contamination. Nowadays the emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere tend to decrease. So in 2006, emissions totaled 324.2 thousand tons, while in 2012 this figure decreased to 319.4 thousand tons. The situation with emissions of pollutants into the air from stationary sources is rather complicated. In 2012 their volume amounted to 197.6 thousand tons.

All the industrial sites, centers and complex productions differ by the number of pollutants. The most difficult environmental situation is observed in Zmiyevskyi, Balakliyskyi, Pervomayskyi and Chuguivskyi districts. The impact of industry on the environment has a global character. This explains the necessity to study this issue from the standpoint of social geography.

Author Biography

Є. Ю. Телебєнєва, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Postgraduate Student


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