Forecast of new hydrocarbon traps objects near the Chutovo-Beluhov salt stock using structural-geomorphologic researches


  • Н. П. Агрес Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine
  • Г. О. Фільова Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine
  • О. А. Олійник Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine


landscape-geoindicative interpretation, morphostructure, morphometric methods, salt diapir (salt-dome structure), structural-geomorphologic researches


The search problem of new perspective oil and gas sites in old oil-and-gas-bearing area is discussed in this article. Quantitative indicators of the structures containing hydrocarbon deposits and the procedure of borders definition of the salt diapir with the use of landscape indicators have been described. Ranges of quantitative indicators have been used for forecasting. Results of forecasting near the diapir perspective blocks which are possible hydrocarbon traps with the use of landscape-geoindication and morphometric methods of structural-geomorphologic researches are submitted in this article. New perspective places of probable availability of hydrocarbons traps are predicted near Chutovo-Beluhov salt diapir in the central part of Dnieper Donets Depression of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

Н. П. Агрес, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

Senior Researcher

Г. О. Фільова, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases


О. А. Олійник, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

Junior Researcher


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