Comparative characteristics of groundwater chemical composition of Shiraz and Horramab intermontane basins of Iran


  • Амджади Азиз .N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


Iran, Shiraz and Horramabad intermontane basins, groundwater, chemical composition, cluster analysis, similarity


Determining the similarity of the chemical composition of groundwater wells and many sources on a large number of chemical elements and compounds (10 and over) is a very difficult task. We have proposed a new method to determine the similarity of groundwater chemical composition. The method is based on the use of cluster analysis. Applying this analysis allows us to find underground water with similar chemical composition in different areas and aquifers, predict possible contamination and avoid exhaustion. The method was tested by comparing the chemical composition of the groundwater in Horramabad and Shiraz intermontane basins of Iran. It has been found that these groundwater intermontane depressions have similar chemical composition. 

Author Biography

Амджади Азиз, .N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Postgraduate Student


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