Structurally-tectonic features of south-east segment in Dnieptr-Donets rift (from position of strike-sliping tectonics)


  • О. Л. Василенко Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine


break a secret, raising, strike-slip faults, salt-strike-slip area (SSSA), salt-strike-slip structures (SSSS)


The geological phenomenon, related to the salt-strike-slip structures (SSSS), goes beyond the scopes of traditional ideas about the structurally-tectonic structure of anticlinal swells in anticlinal areas. In connection with a reliable selection seismicity of 3D horizontal strike-slip faults, there is a necessity for the new tectonic districting of south-east segment of Dniepr-Donets graben (DDg) from position of salt-strike-sliping tectonics. On the example of Kochybiivsk-Oliksiivsk and Elizavetivsk-Bilyaevsk areas of anticlinal structural high are shown in the light of new ideas about genesis and terms of horizontal strike-slip faults structures formation, as well as the general features of salt-strike-slip swells and structures, timed to areas of horizontal compression. Depending on structural position in the area of strike-slip, the structures of V order are divided into maternal brahianticline, maternal stocking of blocks, handing of gorst-anticline and salf-strike-slip ones. In this case basic structures-forming factors in forming structures of V order served as local strike-slip of IV of order.

Author Biography

О. Л. Василенко, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

Senior Researcher


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