Intrusion and salt diapirs as heat and masses transportation channels


  • А. В. Загороднов Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine


magmatism, deep fracture, exhalation, hydrotherm, metasomatosis, salt diapir, fluid, deposit


Salt diapirs are precondition for oil and gas fields search in near-stock territories. One of the possible ways of diapir genesis has been examined. It gives ground to regard salt diapirs as long-living channels of hydrocarbons and ore-containing fluids transportation into deposit rocks of upper structural floors. Examples of Permian magmatic intrusion in near-stick zones are given. The facts are confirmed by diabases hot contacts. Such phenomena are observed not only in Dnieper-Donets Depression, but also in other regions of the world. Diapir structures as one of the main fluid migration ways help not only to restore old fields hydrocarbon supply (on the example of Shebelinka field), but are also a prerequisite for the formation of new deposits. 

Author Biography

А. В. Загороднов, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

Subdepartment Chief


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