Prospects for identifying missing items on long-developed hydrocarbon deposits


  • Г. Я. Стебельська Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, Ukraine


plastic, horizon, electrical resistivity, low-resistance, stocks up exploration, well


A comprehensive analysis of geological and physical, geological and field materials, core analysis in the light of the development of the "old" fields reveals previously missing "low-resistance" formations that at the stage of exploration and resource estimation were interpreted as water-saturated or sealed, and when testing gave anhydrous inflows of hydrocarbons. The methodical approach to forecasting and identification of missing "low-resistance" hydrocarbon saturation layers, comprising complexing of structural, lithological maps, maps of specific electric resistance layers with well test results, which makes it possible to establish the nature of "low-resistance" spread in the deposit collectors, predict their development in the context of deposit to hold the primary materials reinterpretation of well logging and to identify objects previously missed. Further exploration and development of such facilities of hydrocarbon reserves would increase the existing production capacity of oil and gas resource base.

Author Biography

Г. Я. Стебельська, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases

Chief of Department


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