Territorial distribution of tourist and recreational resources in Kherson region (based on cluster analysis)


  • Я. В. Василевська V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


tourist and recreational resources, territorial features, cluster analysis


Kherson region has significant tourist and recreational resources both natural, social and geographical. At the same time tourist and recreational resources are distributed irregularly within the region that differentiates the development of the tourist and recreational activity within cities and districts. The main methodical position of the cluster analysis is given in the article, its application for identification of the territorial distribution differentiation of the tourist and recreational resources have been justified. Cluster analysis has been applied to study the territorial distribution of the tourist and recreational resources. Received clusters are a group of territorial units with similar features of the development. Conducting of the clustering allows to trace the formation of the districts groups and their rearrangement in time that enables us to indicate the most stable trends and constant groups of districts. Grouping by data of 5-year period has been conducted, as well as features of the region’s territorial units grouping. The territory of the region can be divided into clusters with the high level of the tourist and recreational resources.Kherson region is divided separately. The separate group is seaside districts (Golopristansky, Sadovsky, Genichesk, Kalanchak) and the town of Nova Kachovka. Belozersky and Kahovskij districts are also highlighted. Features of the territorial distribution of the tourist and recreational resources of Kherson region based on the conduced cluster analysis have been analyzed. 

Author Biography

Я. В. Василевська, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Postgraduate Student


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