Modeling of education system’s developmental trajectory in Lugansk region


  • В. В. Панкратьєва V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


education system, developmental trajectory, linear motion characteristics, social and geographical modeling


The paper presents the results of research of the education system in Lugansk region. On the basis of modeling techniques of developmental trajectory of sociogeosystem in a multidimensional space there have been identified normalized spatio-temporal features of the education system in the region. For the analysis  there have been generated the information database, which include around 100 parameters for the period from 2007 to 2011 and covers the data about demographic situation in the region, development indicators of early childhood education, general secondary education, extracurricular education, vocational technical and higher education in the cities and districts of Lugansk region. The consistency of developmental trajectories of education systems in districts with optimal trajectory based on the analysis of cosines of angles formed between them is analyzed. The significant deviations between the trajectories and the opposite direction of motion relative to optimal education systems in the districts of Lugansk region have been defined. Calculations of distance parameters from the current point trajectory to the origin and meaning of the distance to the point of maximum development that demonstrates the effectiveness of education systems in the districts are presented. The most effective development of the education system is in Svatovsky, Starobelsky, Lutuginsky, Popasnyansky, Stanichno-Lugansky districts. It is established that in Lugansk region some regional differences in the intensity of educational systems are observed. Grouping of districts by value criterion of progress in the development with emphasis on the districts with positive and unstable dynamics of educational systems has been made.

Author Biography

В. В. Панкратьєва, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Postgraduate Student


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