Social and geographical features of health care system in Volyn region


  • Т. Г. Погребський V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


health care system, medical-demographic situation, the structure of morbidity and mortality, system of institutions, staffing


Health of the population is an indicator of the socio-economic development, an integral part of the standard and the quality of life in the country. The current economic situation in Ukraine and its regions is characterized by the dramatic changes in all spheres including health care. The health of the nation depends on the effectiveness of this situation. The health care is a system of government and public health and socio-economic measures aimed at preventing and treating disease, improving living and working conditions of the population, preserving and improving the health of society and each of its members. Volyn region is one of the most stable as to demographic development. In the region we observe a natural increase of population, the rate of which in 2012 was 0,8 ‰. The birth rate was 14.1‰ and the mortality rate was 13.3‰. The decline of morbidity should also be noted. The system of health care institutions in Volyn region provides services in 16 districts and includes 50 hospitals and 930 outpatient clinics where 24,600 people are employed. The budget for healthcare in 2012 was 715 thousand hrn. The current model of health care is based on the principles introduced during the Soviet times and has a number of shortcomings. As follows, there is a need for changes in the system of health care in Volyn region. The main priority areas of reform should be development of primary health care on the principles of family medicine, structural reorganization of the health care system, transition to the contractual terms of health care, development of health insurance, implementation of efficient pharmaceutical policy.

Author Biography

Т. Г. Погребський, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Postgraduate Student


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