Features of import-export services in Kharkiv region


  • І. О. Полевич V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


foreign trade of services, service export, service import, turnover and balance of foreign trade of services


The article discusses the features of foreign trade in services in the Kharkiv region. This general trend of exports, imports, balance and turnover of trade in services is considered. The geographical structure of trade in services in Kharkiv region is analyzed. The structure of exports and imports by type of service is considered. The place of trade in services in the foreign activities of Kharkiv region is shown, its features are given. The structure of services exports of Kharkiv region by sector accounted for the largest share-related services to various business, professional and technical services, computer services, insurance services, travel, repairs, etc. This is due to the development of industrial, social, scientific and technological progress. Financing activities accounted for the largest share services in imports. The major export partners of Kharkiv region are the CIS, Europe and Asia. This is due to the fact that Kharkiv region has long standing economic ties with these countries. The biggest import partners of Kharkiv region are mainly European countries. This is due to the fact that Europe, in general, is the largest supplier of services in the world. Also, this pattern is due to friendly ties between Ukraine and European countries, favorable economic and geographical location.

Author Biography

І. О. Полевич, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Postgraduate Student


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