Intraregional features of demographic capital formation of Kharkiv region


  • К. Ю. Сегіда V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


human capital, demographic capital structure of the population, stimulants and disincentives demographic capital formation


The essence of the human capital has been defined. The structure of human capital by blocks (the population reproduction, the labor reproduction, health and migration) has been shown in the article. Indicators of direct and feedback activity on the human capital formation were identified. The method of ranking and grouping for comparison of cities and districts for the features formation of the human capital was chosen. Preliminary indicators were normalized (normalized indexes are changed in the range from 0 to 1). The rating of the administrative and territorial units was determined by the value of each index preliminary determined. Statistical data of the demographic capital formation on cities and districts of Kharkiv region were processed. For the sum of ratings across the 19 selected indicators a graph was constructed. Grouping of cities and districts of Kharkiv region based on the schedule was completed. The grouping of cities and districts of the region was achieved. Based on the calculation results, the first group was composed of 11 administrative districts; the second group was represented by 9 units; the third group was represented by the countryside regions; the fourth group was formed by the regions with negative demographic trends. The internal regional demographic characteristics of the demographic capital formation of Kharkiv region were analyzed. In summary, we conclude that the features of human capital formation largely correspond to demographic trends.

Author Biography

К. Ю. Сегіда, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor


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