Features of transport complex in a city


  • Д. А. Шинкаренко V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


transport complex, urban transport, road-transport complex, urban public transport route


Geographers investigate the transport sector in the region, the countries of the world economy, the main directions of movement of passengers and cargo, study some transport companies composed of cities and regions, analyzing the features configuration of transport networks in different natural and economic conditions determine the general laws of transport communications and systems development. The study of transport networks as integral system units that have their own laws of development and infrastructure is an important basis for the formation of economic systems of various types and scales is very important and urgent. No exception is a study of urban transport in Kharkiv. Considering the transport system of the city of Kharkov we have identified factors that influence on its deployment and operation and function of public transport. The basis for the operation of public passenger transport is the regulations that are defined in this article. The main problems in the functioning of the transport complex in Kharkiv require further socio-geographical research.

Author Biography

Д. А. Шинкаренко, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Postgraduate Student


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