To the question of the impact of cosmogenic factors on geodynamic processes and incorporating them into the design and operation of hazardous objects


  • И. Б. Абрамов Ukrainian State Leading Scientific-Research and Industrial Institute for Engineering-Technical and Ecological Investigations “UkrNIINTIZ”, Ukraine
  • К. И. Абрамов “ISTA” Ltd, Ukraine
  • И. В. Удалов V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
  • Ф. В. Чомко V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
  • Д. Ф. Чомко Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine


cosmogenic factors, impact, geodynamic processes, high-risk facilities, industrial and civil engineering works, construction norms, operational reliability, protection measures


The article is devoted to the influence and character of the manifestation of cosmogenic factors on the territory of Ukraine. The direction of seismic activity change as a factor of danger has been studied. The article specifies the necessity to create modern devices an instruments for assessment and registration of modern cosmogenic factors which would supervise and timely detect the development of negative processes at all sites, representing a danger to the environment and living of the population (hydraulic dams, nuclear power plants, storage of toxic waste, mines and so on). It is proved that control of geodynamic processes development must be carried out in two directions: control of spatial development of geodynamic zones by the method NIEFE (natural impulses of an electromagnetic field of the Earth) and development of geodynamic zones in time (monitoring). It is necessary to create special stationary geodynamic observation points, equipped with a complex of special recording sensors.

Author Biographies

И. Б. Абрамов, Ukrainian State Leading Scientific-Research and Industrial Institute for Engineering-Technical and Ecological Investigations “UkrNIINTIZ”

Doctor of Sciences (Technics), Deputy Director

К. И. Абрамов, “ISTA” Ltd

Chief Engineer

И. В. Удалов, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Technics), Associate Professor

Ф. В. Чомко, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Associate Professor

Д. Ф. Чомко, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD (Geology), Associate Professor


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