Assessment of anthropogenic impact on the geological environment and features of the accumulation of pollutants in the zone of the zmyiv thermal power-station (Kharkiv region)


  • В. Н. Прибылова V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


pollution, geological environment, Zmiivska thermal power-station, the environment, anthropogenic impact, drinking groundwater quality composition, emissions, Kharkiv region


The paper analyzes the impact of the largest polluter of Kharkiv region - Zmievskoy TPS on the environment. Chemical composition of ash waste has been estimated as well as the maximum concentration of air emissions. The degree of protection and the possibility of contamination from the surface of the first Paleogene-Quaternary aquifer have been analyzed. The authors investigated the quality of groundwater sources in the zone of Zmievskoy TPS and the main micro elements in the soil composition, thawed, groundwater and waters from  Zmievskoy TPS ash dumps. During the analysis we established the key sources of pollution from the surface of the Paleogene-Quaternary aquifers, such as access to the aquifer ingredients due to the accumulation of industrial emissions of atmospheric nature deposited on soils surface, filtration of polluted water through poorly shielded ash dump bed, upsetting the natural water cycle in filling the cooling pond (Lake Lyman), the origins of water-bearing communication stations and adjoining villages.

Author Biography

В. Н. Прибылова, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Geology), Associate Professor


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