The state of knowledge and research problems of the mount Crimea jurassic stratotypes


  • Г. В. Анфимова National Museum of Natural History NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine



stratotype, suite, Mount Crimea, Jurassic, regional stratigraphic scheme


On the basis of published literature and industrial geological reports data analysis of the Mount Crimea Jurassic standard sections state of knowledge has been conducted. The history of the Mount Crimea Jurassic deposits stratigraphic subdivision is traced. Stages in the study of suites stratotypes are distinguished.

First, units of general stratigraphic scale – tiers – have been distinguished in the Mount Crimea. Units of local scale – suites – have been provided after the establishment of tiers. In the 20 th - 60 th years for the first time the local stratigraphic units in the Mount Crimea Jurassic deposits were distinguished. The authors confined to a brief description of units and did not give stratotypical characteristics. In the 70s - 80s the regional stratigraphic scheme of the north-western coast and the shelf of the Black Sea Jurassic deposits by Y.V. Teslenko, etc. was published. There are 19 suites on the scheme, 7 of them have been distinguished for the first time. In 90 - 00 a new scheme of the Mount Crimea Jurassic deposits by V.V. Permyakov,
M.N. Permyakova, B.P. Tchaikovsky was presented. There were at first isolated horizons as well as 10 new suites. The Mount Crimea Jurassic deposits key sections depth studies carried out in 1985-1990 by B.P. Tchaikovsky preceded the publication of this scheme. 2nd half of 2000th – a current stage is characterized by a sharp decline in the volume of ongoing geological survey, processing and compilation of accumulated geological information. Some sheets of the State Geological Map of Ukraine – 200 Crimean series were published. According to the view adopted by its compilers and fully supported by the previous scheme, there were distinguished 8 horizons that include 29 suites. Establishment of the Jurassic - Cretaceous boundary in Eastern Crimea is an important scientific achievement at this stage

Author Biography

Г. В. Анфимова, National Museum of Natural History NAS of Ukraine

Junior Researcher


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