Underground water resources of Kharkiv region and strategy of their use for water supply of the population


  • В. М. Прибилова V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine




підземні водні ресурси, якість питних вод, Харківська область, стратегія використання, прогнозні ресурси, експлуатаційні запаси, водозабори підземних вод, водоносні горизонти і комплекси, оцінка водопостачання


The article it relevant to questions of development strategy of resource use of groundwater for drinking in Ukraine as a whole and Kharkiv region, in particular. The problem of providing the population with quality drinking water and sustainable water supply for household and industrial needs is one of the most important issues for each state. Water resources in Ukraine are very unevenly distributed, so different administrative units have insufficient water supply. Surface water as a source of water supply is extremely vulnerable in technogenesis because the reliability of water supply is largely dependent on the degree of groundwater use more protected from negative external influences. Therefore, the main objective of this paper was to develop the basic principles of the strategy of groundwater resource use for drinking water in Kharkiv region. This was reviewed and the analysis of the main features of the state of underground water resources, the main problems of water use and water supply of populated cities in Kharkiv region has been conducted. We have considered and analyzed inferred resources of major groundwater aquifer area used for water supply purposes. A forecast map of production resources and drinking groundwater in settlements of the region has been constructed and analyzed. Types of drinking water intakes of groundwater area and the degree of their content of toxic elements have been developed. The level of water supply of villages in Kharkiv region has been measured to ensure residents of rural areas with drinking water quality regulations. As a final result, the objective strategy on the issue of water resources of underground water - determination and substantiation of ways to expand the use of groundwater for the population of Kharkiv region with quality drinking water to the full or partial transfer of drinking water to more protected water sources from contamination has been developed. The basic principles of the strategy and the main problems the solution of which will ensure effective implementation strategy have been considered.

Insufficient water supply of Kharkiv region from underground sources and lack of financial opportunities for the development of water complex of Kharkiv region require a gradual, sequential and systematic implementation of the principles and strategies of groundwater resource use for drinking water. The mechanism of this strategy implementation involves the development of complex measures to increase the use of groundwater for drinking water supply to Kharkiv oblast state, regional, local and site level organization which must be carried out using organizational, legal, financial, economic and institutional facilities.

Author Biography

В. М. Прибилова, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Geology), Associate Professor


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