Geologic structure and new stratigraphic complexes hydrocarbon-bearing perspectives of eastern Poltava field


  • G. Е. Svyatenko Український науково-дослідний інститут природних газів, Ukraine
  • V. V. Petlica Український науково-дослідний інститут природних газів, Ukraine
  • U. М. Spichakova Український науково-дослідний інститут природних газів, Ukraine



research, horizon, sandstone, deposit, gas


Modern drilling results gave possibility to detail Eastern Poltava gas-condensate field geologic structure and discover new productive horizons. Further perspectives are connected not only with research of missed and weakly studied Carboniferous system of Kasymian and  Moscovian deposits, but also with regional productive Permian and Mesozoic complexes.

Eastern Poltava Carboniferous complex has gas-bearing stage reaching 1,3 kilometres in height, low outcontours of underground waters activity and complicated reservoir lithology. Carboniferous psammites has complicated condition of bedding and inconstant lateral and vertical filter capacity. Upper part of Carboniferous system in the area is almost completely gas-saturated formation with large potential of hydrocarbon-recovery, that can effectively be realized using modern influx intensification methods.

In Nykytivka and Sloviansk suites of Lower Permian Asselian stage gas-bearing limestones and dolomites beds were found by means of log in several wells. A few test attempts of these objects on the field till now did not give any positive results, possibly on account of drilling and testing technology problems. Commercial gas-condensate accumulations of this part of stratigraphic section have been proved on closely situated Mashivka field.

Triassic and Jurassic perspective complexes occupy upper oil and gas bearing stages in DDD. On Eastern Poltava uplift they are not covered by any detailed research. In Middle and Lower part of Mesozoic erathem on depth of 1000-2100 m on the structure sand and sandstone reservoirs are widely spread, reliably isolated from infiltrational hydrogeologic laver by thick clay groups of strata. Not far from Eastern Poltava field, in Solokha-Dykanka rampart, mesozoic commercial oil and gas accumulations in Solokha and Runivshchyna field were discovered a long time ago.

Eastern Poltava field has huge potential of commercial gas supply increase. As pointed by contemporary search experience in adjacent fields, oil pools can be discovered here in wide stratigraphic compass.

Author Biographies

G. Е. Svyatenko, Український науково-дослідний інститут природних газів

Старший науковий співробітник

V. V. Petlica, Український науково-дослідний інститут природних газів

Науковий співробітник

U. М. Spichakova, Український науково-дослідний інститут природних газів

Науковий співробітник


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