Estimation of cenomanian-callovian groundwater complex of potable water vulnerability in Kyiv based on isotope-radiochemical data


  • T. О. Кошлякова PO «Environment Geochemistry Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine», Ukraine



уразливість підземних вод, питне водопостачання, ізотопно-радіохімічні дані, антропогенне перетворення підземної гідросфери


A present-day analysis of ground water conditions use by Kyiv population from well- water supply has been carried out. The results of investigation are directed to reveal the hydrogen radioactive isotope – tritium distribution regularity in the city wells.-rooms By means of geoinformational system ArcGIS the map-scheme of tritium distribution in cenomanian-callovian groundwater complex was constructed. It shows that isotope-radiochemical data can serve as an effective instrument to determine groundwater complex vulnerability to contamination.

One of the dominant sources of potable water supply in Kyiv is cenomanian-callovian groundwater complex. From the point of view of subsurface geology cenomanian-callovian groundwater complex is considered as covered on the right-bank of Dnieper river (apart from Obolon’) and as conditionally covered on the left-bank. With the aim to supply the city population with pure water the wide network of well-rooms has been installed since 1997; the number of well-rooms has been constantly growing. The water quality in well-rooms is controlled in order to reveal the exceeding boundary permissible concentrations corresponding to norm, however the present well-rooms water quality control has a local character and doesn’t allow to systematically estimate the ground water vulnerability to man-caused influence in area extent. The author has investigated hydrogen radioactive isotope – tritium distribution regularity in cenomanian-callovian groundwater complex as an indicator of ground water vulnerability to man-caused influence. The investigation results give grounds to assert that there is a danger of anthropogenic transformation of underground hydrosphere from the point of view of potable ground water quality changes towards it’s deterioration.

Author Biography

T. О. Кошлякова, PO «Environment Geochemistry Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»



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