Reservoir water of Boryslav oilfield as a source of iodine and bromine


  • Неля Геннадіївна Кучманич Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  • Ірина Володимирівна Бриндзя Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  • Геннадій Васильович Щемельов Borislav Scientific Research Institute “Synthes”, Ukraine



Boryslav oil and gas field, associated reservoir water, iodine, well, Yamnian horizon, Oriv-Ulychne deposit


Formulation of the problem. Associated reservoir water is valuable hydro-mineral raw material. Its practical use in economic activity has not been found, and is now irretrievably lost by returning to the corresponding geological horizons to maintain reservoir pressure.

The purpose of the article. The purpose of this work is to analyze the expediency of extracting iodine from the reservoir waters of Boryslav oilfield.

Methods. To do this, various scientific methods were used, namely: observation, description; analysis - during studying the results of reservoir water samples from the deposits of Precarpathian; synthesis - for the allocation of wells and objects with industrial iodine content in samples of reservoir water within Boryslav oilfield; mathematical methods - a volumetric method to calculate reservoir water.

Results. Results of reservoir water samples from the Precarpathian region deposits were analyzed in the article. It is highlighted that fifty-four samples of water with iodine content of 50 mg/l and more belong to wells and Boryslav oilfild, 13 belong to objects of oil deposits in the Inner zone of the Carpathian forge, the remaining 31 belong to the gas fields within Exterior Zone. For the first time, volumes of reservoir water from the Yamnian horizon of the Oriv-Ulychne deposit and its reserves of iodine and bromine were calculated. According to preliminary estimates, iodine reserves amount to 7,128 tons, bromine reserves amount to 8,311 tons. Based on these calculations, it is proposed to use also iodine-bromine mineralized mineral water in the forge zone of the Carpathians for the large industrial production of iodine based on Boryslav oilfield.

Scientific novelty and practical significance. The research results were used by Boryslav Town Council to prepare an investment project "Establishment of an Iodine Production Plant based on the reservoir waters of Boryslav Oilfield in the town of Boryslav, Lviv Oblast", which can be implemented at the expense of the state fund of regional development.

Author Biographies

Неля Геннадіївна Кучманич, Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Geography

Ірина Володимирівна Бриндзя, Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University

PhD (Biology), lecturer, Department of Ecology and Geography

Геннадій Васильович Щемельов, Borislav Scientific Research Institute “Synthes”

PhD (Chemistry), Head of Laboratory


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