
  • В. В. Яковлєв Water Quality Laboratory «PLAYA» ltd, Ukraine



ionic composition of the water, the water zone of active water exchange, the formation of the composition of the water, quality standards for drinking water, river flow, groundwater flow


There is a new look offered by the concept of "water zone of active water exchange" as the water flows down from the continents to the oceans. This allows you to uniquely identify its quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Similarly, the term "water zone of active water exchange on land area" is proposed and defined as the total river flow from this area, which includes the flow of atmospheric, surface and groundwater. A general pattern of the formation of the salt composition in the river and underground freshwater of a terrestrial land is considered. A comparison with the standards for drinking water leads to the conclusion that the objective average weighted composition of the water zone of active water exchange of surface and underground is physiologically full for the content of dissolved salt components in the range of total mineralization from 0,1 to 0,6 g/dm3. Living beings are evolutionarily adapted to such water. In this regard, the author raises the question of the need to expand the list of indicators of physiological usefulness of drinking water in addition to the nine indicators regulated by the operating rules of Ukraine – DerzhSaNPіN 2.2.4-171-10. First of all, it is necessary to do this for biophilic microelements, the minimum content of which in drinking water can usefully be measured based on their content in natural waters indicated mineralization. It is shown that the patterns of formation of the salt composition of natural waters in active water exchange zone of the Earth's land and territory of Ukraine are similar. On the basis of long-term hydrological observations it is calculated that the average composition of the water flowing from the territory of Ukraine meets sulfate-hydrocarbonate mixed cationic composition of fresh water with mineralization of 0.45 g/dm3 and is nearly identical to the estimated average composition of water of the same mineralized zone of active water exchange of terrestrial land in general.

Author Biography

В. В. Яковлєв, Water Quality Laboratory «PLAYA» ltd

PhD (Technics), Chief Hydrogeologist


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