
  • Д. С. Мальчикова Kherson State University, Ukraine



territory, territorial resources, regional development, environmental management, territorial planning, administrative regionalization


The key elements of management practices on the use of their territories are planning, administrative regionalization and the formation of a regional development strategy. The article shows the features of territorial resources analysis, territory integral potential as guidelines for the schemes development of territorial planning regions, strategy of regional development, administrative regionalization. Specific social and geographical characteristics and features of using the territory as a resource have been analyzed: 1) a geospatial base area of human activity, localization of all kinds of natural resources and space for the resettlement of the population and placement of any kinds of business people; 2) any component-sectoral environmental spatially coordinated, should necessarily be bound to a specific area to specific places, locations habitats; 3) assessment area determines the presence of four major characteristics: resource potential location area; the potential of natural and socioeconomic resources of the territory; capacity-building areas for settlement and major types of economic activity; capacity-building area depending on the level of economic development and land use intensity. The author determined the analysis problems of existing environmental management in the region, suggested the options for compatibility and incompatibility analysis of various nature types at the regional level (Kherson region as an example). General distribution levels of regionalization –one-factor (one-component), multi-factors (multi-functional), complex (integrated) regions in the theory and practice of administrative regionalization have been proposed: 1) higher levels of regions were viewed as comprehensive (integral) territorial units with a characteristic combination of key factors of territorial regionalization - historical and geographic, natural geographic, geo-economic, geopolitical; 2) average levels of regions were mainly seen as territorial units that include an original set of features (regionalization criterion should be functional zoning of the country that determines the most efficient and economic use of appropriate specialization); 3) lower levels of  regionalization in most cases is the one-component, micro regions are distinguished by characteristics that determine their function in economic complex of mezoregions. It has been proved that the distinction between historical and geographical regions is a strong Ukrainian factor in favor of its regionalization, understanding them as the most integrated formation of the country’s regionalization higher levels.

Author Biography

Д. С. Мальчикова, Kherson State University

Doctor of Sciences (Geography),Associate Professor


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