
  • І. О. Полевич V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine



investment, innovation, innovation and investment potential, innovation and investment infrastructure, cluster analysis


Focusing on Kharkiv region as the whole, nine main cluster structures that have the potential to develop have been identified. A number of industrial enterprises engaged in innovative activity in 2013 in Kharkov region have the highest value among the regions of Ukraine. In percentage share of enterprises engaged in innovative activities amounted to 23.2% in 2013. Innovation and investment infrastructure of Kharkiv region includes about half a dozen of independent organizations and several dozens of specialized units that are part of the scientific and industrial organizations and enterprises. In the territorial structure of innovation and investment activity in Kharkov region there are only two technologic parks and business incubators, free industrial zones, innovative clusters exist only in the long term. The structure of the work volume performed on their own enterprises in Kharkov region differs from the structure in Ukraine, because of predominance of the scientific and technical developments. Feature of financing innovation in Kharkiv region is the high share of financing enterprises' own funds. Grouping of certain economic activities for innovative activity has showed that the most similar in terms of innovation and investment industries are engaged in wood processing and metallurgy. Food, rubber and plastics industries are industries that make a significant number of innovation active enterprises, significant amounts of expenditure on innovation and private innovation visible results that are first in sales volumes of innovative products. It should be noted that food industry has significant investment attractiveness (given the quick return of products and provision of domestic raw materials). Among the regions of Ukraine Kharkiv region has a high level of innovation and investment potential, its implementation requires rational investment, updating of capital, financial restructuring and investment areas and other factors promoting the investment climate in the industry.

Author Biography

І. О. Полевич, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Senior Lecturer


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