
  • Ю. Н. Жегулина Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems, Ukraine
  • Г. Д. Коваленко Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems, Ukraine



transboundary impact, tritium volume activity, nuclear power plant, radionuclides


The problem of tritium contamination of the Styr River as a result of RNPP operation has been considered in this article. Rivno nuclear power plant does not have its own cooling pond, so it discharges debalance waters directly into the Styr, which can lead to changes in the radioecological condition of the river. Debalance waters contain a wide range of radionuclides, such as 3H , 137Cs, 134Cs, 60Co, 54Mn, 60Sr, etc. Tritium radionuclide (3H) is especially interesting for the study,  as it is not delayed by water purification systems on the station and therefore with debalance waters gets to the Styr River.

In 2010 in the Styr river volume activity of tritium ranged from 6.7 Bq/l to 11.4 Bq/l. The content of 3H in the river varies depending on the time of year, as well as non-uniformity of radionuclide discharges from RNPP during the year. The maximum content of tritium in the Styr was recorded in March 1993, when the volumetric activity of the nuclide was 6 610 Bq/l, which may indicate the alarm discharge of tritium from RNPP. Considering water consumption, we can assume that downstream the dilution of the discharge is approximately 130 times. With this discharge the activity of tritium will exceed 50 Bq/l. In case of normal operation of NPP 2 times increase in background activities of tritium should be expected at the border with Belorussia.

Author Biographies

Ю. Н. Жегулина, Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems

PhD student, Researcher

Г. Д. Коваленко, Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems

Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Full Professor


UNECE. Available at :

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